Album ReBrews

Ep 106: iridescence - BROCKHAMPTON (ft. Veronika Vexed)

Season 5

We two podcasts collide! super excited to have creator of the cuddle punk podcast, Veronika Vexed on to talk all things wrestling, obscure spotify album art, and Brock Hampton. Enjoy! 

Check out Veronika Vexed  on Instagram (@veronika_vexed), and listen to the here! (

Check out Madonna's Bored on Instagram. (@madonnas_bored)

Thank you to Cameron Bopp for editing our show and writing our theme song!

You can find Album ReBrews on Instagram here

TW/CW: Explicit language, sexual references, references to sexual assault, drug and alcohol references.

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Logo Attribution: Thank you to Vecteezy for providing free vectors used as part of our podcast art.

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